50 phrases that kill creativity
This is an interesting list I picked up someplace and modified for use in some presentations I do on creativity. These are typical phrases you’ll hear in committee, staff and other supposed “brainstorming” sessions that end up going awry. These phrases eventually stifle any creative thinking in a group, because they destroy the part of brainstorming that allows good ideas to sprout from the offbeat or “bad” idea. People end up thinking alike, and/or stop contributing to the group because they can’t be free to come up with idea that don’t get shot down. I encourage people to take this list with them into meetings, so they can be the creativity cops, so to speak."
- Our place is different
- We tried that before.
- It costs too much.
- That's not my job.
- They're too busy to do that.
- We don't have the time.
- Not enough help.
- It's too radical a change.
- The staff will never buy it.
- It's against company policy.
- The union will scream.
- That will run up our overhead.
- We don't have the authority.
- Let's get back to reality
- That's not our problem.
- I don't like the idea.
- I'm not saying you're wrong but...
- You're two years ahead of your time.
- Now's not the right time.
- It isn't in the budget.
- Can't teach an old dog new tricks.
- Good thought, but impractical.
- Let's give it more thought.
- We'll be the laughingstock of the industry.
- Not that again.
- Where'd you dig that one up?
- We did alright without it before.
- It's never been tried.
- Let's put that one on the back burner for now.
- Let's form a committee.
- It won't work in our place.
- The executive committee will never go for it.
- I don't see the connection.
- Let's all sleep on it.
- It can't be done.
- It's too much trouble to change.
- It won't pay for itself.
- It's impossible.
- I know a person who tried it and got fired.
- We've always done it this way.
- We'd lose money in the long run.
- Don't rock the boat.
- That's what we can expect from the staff.
- Has anyone else ever tried it?
- Let's look into it further.
- We'll have to answer to the stockholders.
- Quit dreaming.
- If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
- That's too much ivory tower.
- It's too much work.